Pierce's Disease
Research Updates


What is Pierce's Disease?

Pierce's Disease is a bacterial infection, which is spread by bugs that feed on grapevines, particularly the "glassy winged sharpshooter." Grapevines that become infected with PD can quickly become sick and die.

glassy-winged sharpshooter

Author Detail

  • Name:
    Civerolo, E
Published DateTitlePublicationAuthor List
June 01, 2008 Hypervariations of a protease-encoding gene, PD0218 (pspB), in Xylella fastidiosa strains causing almond leaf scorch and Pierce's disease in California Applied and environmental microbiology Chen, J; Civerolo, E; Tubajika, K; Livingston, S; Higbee, B;
June 01, 2008 Variations of whole genome sequences of Xylella fastidiosa strains within the same pathotype Phytopathology Chen, J; Civerolo, E; Xie, G; Han, S;
March 01, 2007 Surface motility of Xylella fastidiosa visualized by oblique illumination Canadian journal of microbiology Groves, R; Chen, J; Civerolo, E; Livingston, S;
July 01, 2007 Two whole genome sequences of Xylella fastidiosa almond leaf scorch strains Phytopathology Chen, J; Stenger, DC; Civerolo, E; Han, S; Van Sluys, M;
July 01, 2007 Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Xylella fastidosa strains isolated from California, Georgia and Florida Phytopathology Chen, J; Civerolo, E; Livingston, S; Chang, C; Hopkins, D; Hotchkiss, M; Reilly, C;
December 31, 2008 Origins of the Xylella fastidiosa prophage-like regions and their impact in genome differentiation Plos one Kitajima, Elliot; Souza, R.; Chen, J; Civerolo, E; Nakaya, HI; Van Sluys, M; de Lima WC; Paula de Almeida LG; Vasconcelos AT; de Mello Varani A;
March 01, 2012 An engineered innate immune defense protects grapevines from Pierce disease Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america Civerolo, E; Bruening, G; Dandekar, AM; Gouran, H; Ibanez, AM; Uratsu, SL; Aguero, CB; McFarland, S; Borhani, Y; Feldstein, PA; Nascimento, R; Goulart, LR; Pardington, PE; Chaudhary, A; Norvell, M; Gupta, G;