Pierce's Disease is a bacterial infection, which is spread by bugs that feed on grapevines, particularly the "glassy winged sharpshooter." Grapevines that become infected with PD can quickly become sick and die.
1900, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, Most recent
Interim progress report: Biology and spread of grapevine red blotch associated virus.
Authors: Marc Fuchs
Submitted: July 31, 2016
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Interim progress report: Field testing transgenic grapevine rootstocks expressing chimeric antimicrobial protein (CAP) and polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP).
Authors: Abhaya Dandekar
Interim progress report: Management of the federal permit for field testing transgenic grapevine rootstocks in California.
Interim progress report: Searching for potential vectors of grapevine red blotch associated virus.
Authors: Kent Daane
Submitted: July 30, 2016
Final report: Defining the role of secreted virulence proteins LesA and PrtA in the pathobiology of Xylella and in the development of Pierce's disease.
Submitted: July 29, 2016
Interim progress report: Molecular breeding support for the development of Pierce's disease resistant winegrapes (14-0137).
Authors: Andrew Walker
Interim progress report: Breeding Pierce's disease resistant winegrapes.
Authors: Andrew Walker, Alan Tenscher
Interim progress report: Expanding the range of grape rootstock and scion genotypes that can be genetically modified for use in research and product development.
Authors: David Tricoli
Submitted: July 28, 2016
Interim progress report: Assessing Pierce's disease spread in grape lines with novel defensive traits.
Authors: Rodrigo Almeida
Interim progress report: Exploiting a chitinase to suppress Xylella fastidiosa colonization of plants and insects.
Final report: RNA-interference and control of the glassy-winged sharpshooter and other leafhopper vectors of Xylella fastidiosa.
Authors: Bryce Falk, Mysore Sudarshanna, Michael Parrella
Submitted: July 27, 2016
Final report: Field evaluation of grape plants expressing P14 and UT456 transgenic DNA sequences for protection against Pierce's disease.
Authors: David Gilchrist
Submitted: July 26, 2016
Interim progress report: Genome editing of TAS4, MIR828, and targets MYBA6/A7: A critical test of Xylella fastidiosa infection and spreading mechanisms in Pierce's disease.
Authors: Christopher Rock
Interim progress report: Evaluation of commercial ant baits as a component of an integrated pest management program for vine mealybug.
Authors: Monica Cooper
Interim progress report: Management of insecticide resistance in glassy-winged sharpshooter populations using toxicological, biochemical, and genomic tools.
Authors: Richard Redak
Submitted: July 21, 2016