Pierce's Disease
Research Updates


What is Pierce's Disease?

Pierce's Disease is a bacterial infection, which is spread by bugs that feed on grapevines, particularly the "glassy winged sharpshooter." Grapevines that become infected with PD can quickly become sick and die.

glassy-winged sharpshooter

The potential adventive geographic range of glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca coagulata and the grape pathogen Xylella fastidiosa: implications for California and other grape growing regions of the world

  • Author(s): Hoddle, Mark;
  • Abstract: The invasion risk posed by the xylem feeding hemipteran, Homalodisca coagulata (native to the southeast USA and northeast Mexico, and a recent invader of California (USA) and Tahiti) and a xylem-dwelling phytopathogenic bacterium, Xylella fastidiosa (native to the Americas and causative agent of Pierces disease of grape vines), was examined using the computer climate modeling program CLIMEX. Model predictions indicated that suitable climatic conditions for H. coagulata and Pierces disease causing strains of X. fastidiosa exist in almost all grape production areas of the world, and H. coagulata may be able to colonize areas unsuitable for X. fastidiosa. Additionally, the model indicated that regions north of California will be unable to sustain populations of both pests because of cold stress, and that irrigation of agricultural and urban areas in Californias deserts has removed dry stress limitations, which when combined with a depauperate natural enemy fauna most likely facilitated successful invasion by H. coagulata. CLIMEX predicted that cold stress accumulation would exclude Pierces disease causing strains of X. fastidiosa from France and northern and central grape producing areas of Spain and Italy. This result is incongruous with Pierces disease reports from Kosovo in the Balkans and may suggest that cold-tolerant strains of X fastidiosa that cause Pierces disease exist which could exhibit invasion potential and establish in areas of Europe contrary to results reported here. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Publication Date: Aug 2004
  • Journal: Crop Protection