Pierce's Disease
Research Updates


What is Pierce's Disease?

Pierce's Disease is a bacterial infection, which is spread by bugs that feed on grapevines, particularly the "glassy winged sharpshooter." Grapevines that become infected with PD can quickly become sick and die.

glassy-winged sharpshooter


  • Author(s): Daane, Kent; Johnson, Marshall; Coviella, Carlos; Groves, Russell; Hagler, James; Hashim, Jennifer; Luck, Robert; Purcell, Alexander; Ruiz, Tarcisio; Shapland, Elaine;
  • Abstract: The primary focus of this research is the description of glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS) preference, egg deposition, age structure, population dynamics and levels of natural regulation on different host plants in urban / agricultural interface in the SJV where untreated populations serve as an inoculum source for nearby vineyards and citrus. We will also test sampled GWSS, from selected host plants and ecosystems, for the presence of Xylella fastidiosa. This work will aid researchers currently mapping out PD and X. fastidiosa sources in the San Joaquin Valley. A description of GWSS biology and ecology on host plants in urban areas of the SJV will help understand GWSS seasonal movement and infestation foci. For example, information on the abundance, host plant use, and seasonal dispersal patterns of resident sharpshooters (e.g., blue-green sharpshooter) (Goodwin & Purcell 1992, Perring et al. 2001). The same critical information for GWSS is lacking for the SJV. This work will provide a needed baseline on resident natural enemies of GWSS in the SJV and their contribution to GWSS mortality. Information on GWSS movement and host plant succession in the SJV may also be useful for modification of surrounding vegetation or traps crops can potentially suppress GWSS movement into a vineyard.
  • Publication Date: Aug 2003
  • Journal: 2003 Pierce's Disease Research Symposium