About Pierce's Disease
Pierce's Disease is a deadly disease of grapevines. It is caused by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, which is spread by xylem feeding leafhoppers known as sharpshooters.
Pierce's Disease is known to be prevalent within the USA from Florida to California, and outside the USA in Central and South America. Xylella fastidiosa works by blocking
the xylem, which conducts the water around the plant. Symptoms include chlorosis and scorching of leaves, and entire vines will die after 1-5 years. Pierce's Disease
is less prevalent where winter temperatures are cold, such as more northern areas, high altitudes and inland areas.
National Academy of Sciences Grapevine Virus Webinar
The National Academy of Sciences conducted a comprehensive review of leafroll and red blotch virus research at the request of the PD/GWSS Board and will be hosting a public webinar summarizing their findings and recommendations.
Date: February 14, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: Visit the event website.
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National Academy of Sciences Grapevine Virus Research Review
The National Academy of Sciences conducted a comprehensive review of leafroll and red blotch virus research at the request of the PD/GWSS Board. Read the full report, the report highlights, review project details and view webinar recordings from meetings with researchers on the project website.
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View Past Announcements
Where to go from here
Apply for Grants
Read the PD/GWSS Board’s Request for Proposals and apply.
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